- A Human Migration Fueled by Dung? 人类迁徙燃料来源于粪便?
- Human Migration Fueled by Dung? 人类迁徙燃料来源于粪便?
- A biogas plant at the Muenchner Tierpark Hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants, rhinoceroses, buffaloes and antelopes, and any left-over animal food. 这家动物园已经在园内建好了一座沼气发电厂,而其所用的燃料则包括大象、牛、牛和羚羊等动物的粪便,以及任何动物吃剩的食物。
- It was fueled by oil in enormous quantities. 它以巨量的汽油作燃料。
- As genetic distance was estimated effectively by HPA systems, HPA systems could serve as the genetic marker in human migration and evolution research. HPA能有效估算不同人群间遗传距离, 分析人类迁徙过程, HPA可作为遗传标记应用于人类进化的研究。
- Car engines are fueled by gasoline. 汽车是用汽油当燃料发动的。
- This approach is fueled by mood and emotion. 这种作法遭到情感和感情的协助。
- Foam insulation saves fuel by retarding heat loss. 泡沫隔离保温层通过阻止热量的流失,达到节约能源的目的。
- The era of globalization saw the largest wave of human migration in history. 全球化时代经历了历史上最大了人口迁移浪潮。
- Fueled by my faith in my training, I will overcome all obstacles. 经过了心怀信念的训练,我将克服所有的障碍。
- The PTC nontaster mutation provides a remarkable amount of information about early human migration. 这个PTC味觉受体基因的突变,为研究早期人类迁徙提供了极为丰富的资讯。
- The inflation has been fueled by the military spending. 军事上的开支,对通货膨胀是火上加油。
- But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. 但是她被藉由有她想要分享的一个故事加燃料。
- Selectivity of human migration has long been the focus of demographers and economists. 摘要人口迁移的选择性一直以来都是人口学家和经济学家关注的焦点。
- It's been called the largest human migration in American history. Do you know what that refers to? 它曾被称为美国历史上,规模最大的一次人类迁徙,您知道是那一次的迁徙吗?
- A demand that's been fueled by rising incomes and falling car prices. 收入的增加和汽车价格的降低更加促进了这个需求。
- He emerged from the caverns transformed, fueled by the dark side of the Force. 他从陵墓洞穴的试炼中蜕变出来,黑暗原力让他如虎添翼。
- Fueled by the single " This Kiss," the album achieved platinum status in a mere six weeks. 在单曲《吻》的推动下,专辑仅在6周内就卖出100万张。
- A biogas plant at the Muenchner Tierpark Hellabrunn willbefuelled by dung from elephants, rhinoceroses, buffaloesandantelopes, and any center-over animal food. 这家动物园已经在园内建好了一座沼气发电厂,而其所用的燃料则包括大象、犀牛、水牛和羚羊等动物的粪便,以及任何动物吃剩的食物。
- Test Method for Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Fuel by Line Sampling (05. 用线性抽样法测定航空燃料中颗粒污染物的试验方法(05。